Sunday, June 27, 2010

Author Alphabetical Searches

I think it's time to take a break from talking about the new patron catalog. Instead, let's talk about the Author Alphabetical search index results.

One of the many confusing aspects of our catalog is how it displays author results when using an Author Alphabetical search index. For example, take a look at the author results for Janet Evanovich. We see something like this:

1.Evanovich, Janet230
2.Evanovich, Janet. High five. Spanish1
3.Evanovich, Janet. Ivan takes a wife5
4.Evanovich, Janet. One for the money.2
5.Evanovich, Janet. Plum lovin'.1
6.Evanovich, Janet. Plum lucky.1
7.Evanovich, Janet. Three to get deadly.2
8.Evanovich, Janet. Two for the dough.2
9.Evanovich, Janet. Visions of sugar plums.1
Why are there so many Janet Evanovich entries? A couple of weeks ago, Eric Petersen, our Technical Services Supervisor, answered this question. So, with his permission, I'm copying it below.
Author/title’s in the “author” indexes are generally of these purposes:
  1. The author/title heading represents an instance of that work in a collection. For example, in a collection of short stories. “One for the money” is part of the collection Three plums in one.
  2. To indicate what the original title of a work was. For example, ”Ivan takes a wife” is the original title of Love overboard. This can also be seen on items that are translations. “High five. Spanish” means that this item, High five, is in Spanish.
  3. The author/title is related to the item cataloged. This is seen most in our catalog for movie adaptions of books. For example: Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. lists the movies, not the books.

However, if you've used a lot of other library systems, you'll have seen that many of their author results are not as confusing. Basically, this is because our particular ILS processes author entries a little differently than other systems. It does not have the ability to just show the author's name. Instead, it shows the entire entry for the author/work combination. Theoretically, we could kludge something together that would fix the display problem. However, this would likely result in our catalog records no longer meeting common cataloging standards. This, in turn, would complicate any ILS changes we made in the future.

So, which author entry should I pick when faced with multiple authors that look the similar? I usually click whichever entry has the most titles attached to it. In the case of Janet Evanovich, it would be the first entry.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Need Library Staff to Test New Patron Catalog

The last couple of weeks have been a blur. We've had our kickoff ILS testing meeting and now I'm immersed in the details. We've picked leaders to head testing for the various areas of the new library system. While my main responsibility will be organizing the project, I also chose to be the leader for the new patron catalog because it's my favorite ILS module (is it wrong for me to have favorites?).

Each leader will gather a group of staff together that can help with the testing. We're going to compile a list of features that need to be funcitonal and then develop a plan to test them and submit any problems so they can (hopefully) be fixed. In addition, each group is going to look at enhancements available with the new catalog that we may want to implement. For instance, the new version of the patron catalog should be able to show more DVD images in the search results.

My next steps are to identify staff that would be interested in testing the new patron catalog. If you are interested in helping, send me an email and I can explain more what would be involved.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Displaying Reviews in Our Catalog

As I've mentioned previously, one of the features we use from LibraryThing is the ability to rate books as well as read and write reviews. Currently, borrowers only see reviews if they click on the bib record.

Sometimes I want to be able to quickly see if a book has been rated instead of having to click each title so I added this feature to our test catalog. What do you think? Do you like seeing the ratings on the summary page in addition to the full bib page? Let me know by adding a comment to the blog entry or sending me an email.