Friday, September 16, 2011

Catalog URL Structure

Last month we added a permanent link feature for our catalog. I've used this quite a bit since adding it. Hopefully, it's useful to more people than just me :) In any case, while I find the permanent link helpful, it doesn't always do everything I want. Below is a rundown of the URL structure in the catalog as well as some tips about how to get different results.

There are a couple of different types of links you can create in our catalog.

  • Search Links
  • Title Links

Search Links

Here's an example of what a typical search link looks like:

Much of this information can be deleted. However, there are six elements that a basic search link should contain:

Base URL
The library code that should be used&profile=&profile=weld
Which search menu is used&menu=&menu=search
Which search subtab you're using&aspect=&aspect=subtab240
The search index&index=&index=.ts
The search term (no spaces, use + instead)&term=&term=home+staging

If you do an advanced search, such as this one there are some additional elements that are required:

Which search subtab you're using (different than basic search)&aspect=&aspect=subtab242
Boolean operators if multiple indexes are used&oper=&oper=AND
Which limit box and limits are used&limitbox_2&limitbox_3=CO01+%3D+wld_en+or+CO01+%3D+wld_jn
How to sort the results&sort=&sort=310014

In addition, there are a couple of ways you can change the URL and make it act differently:

Determine how many results show*&npp=&npp=100
Show an XML-like display (need to manually add at the end of the URL)&GetXML=&GetXML=true

* I've gotten reports that this option may not work for everyone so let me know if it doesn't work for you.

Title Links
In most cases, the Permanent Link option in the catalog will meet your needs. However, it is also possible to manually create direct title links. Direct title links are most often created using ISBN/ISSN, UPC Exact Match, Bib Number, or Bib Control Number - Exact Match. To create these types of links, many of the same elements appear as in the search URL.

Base URL
The library code that should be used (optional)&profile=&profile=weld
The search index&index=&index=ISBNEX
The number&term=&term=0783274068

If you choose to include a library code, it will show the items for that library first if the item is currently checked in.

When creating a direct link, first decide which index you want to use. Then, find the identifying number to use. The index is put in the &index= element and the number is put after the &term element.

Bib Number&index=BIB
Bib Control Number&index=CNTRLEX

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