UPDATED: I was informed of a problem with the tags that should now be fixed. Now, once you click on a tag, you should also be able to click on the book title and go straight to our catalog record for that item.
I'm testing out a new feature from LibraryThing on the public catalog. It's called "Browse by Tags". In prior posts I've talked about tags from LibraryThing. However, up till now, you had to go to a full bib record in order to see them.
This new feature is available from the Basic Search page. Underneath the search box there is now a link to "Browse by Tags." If you click it, you see a quick summary of some of the most prevelant tags that have been applied to our collection. To see more tags, click the 250, 500, or 1000 links.
In addition to browsing tags, you can search for new tags. This search box works the same way the tag search box works in the full bib. To search for the intersection between multiple tags, seperate them by commas. For example, I might search for historical mystery, regency. Or, to exclude items with specific tags, put two dashes in front of the tag. So, if I wanted a historical regency mystery but didn't want it to include any Jane Austen charaters, I might search for historical mystery, regency, --Jane Austen.
As I mentioned in the beginning, I'm just testing this feature out. Whether or not it stays depends on whether you think it's worthwhile. So, let me know what you think.
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